Yuna's Princess adventure Wikia

Here is how Sa'Luk became in league with Merlock in Mickey Mouse, Aladdin and the King of Thieves.

Meanwhile, Merlock offered Sa'Luk everything he desires.

Merlock: So as you can see, Sa’Luk, I can help you with your revenge against the street rat Aladdin.

Sa'Luk: If we can get rid of Mickey Mouse and his pals, how else are we gonna do with Cassim and his brat?

Merlock: Because they share a certain secret Cassim has kept from you and the rest of the thieves

Sa'Luk: Such as?

Merlock: The Hand of Midas.

With an evil grin, Sa'Luk begins to agree with Merlock for his revenge.

That night in Agrabah, Sir Ector and Sir Kay came to see Razoul.

Sir Ector: Razoul! It's an emergency!

Razoul: What is it?

Sir Kay: We've got a message from Mickey, he and the others found the location of the Forty Thieves' hideout.

Razoul: I'm listening.

Sir Ector: They found Aladdin's father, let's just say he was a prisoner to the thieves.

Sir Kay: It's true, Mickey explained the whole thing.

Sir Ector: And once we apprehend the Forty Thieves, we'll bring them all to justice.

Razoul: Very well, Sir Ector, show me the location.

Sir Ector: Alright, Moe, Lenny, Carl, Barney, let's get to work!

Moe Szyslak: I'm way ahead of ya, Sir Ector.

Lenny Leonard: Are you guys sure it's a good idea?

Carl Carlson: Hey, come on, Lenny. We got orders from Mickey and the gang, he's gonna need all the help he can get.

Barney Gumble: I'm up for it. (bleches)
